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291 articles

There was a problem backing up your ShareGate user data
We have encountered an error that could have impacted your local ShareGate user data
Edge runtime installation failed (Internet Explorer deprecation)
NT AUTHORITY cannot be created
An error occurred while trying to decrypt the credentials
Versioning must be enabled and the number of major versions must be between 1 and 50000
You are not authorized to get a valid Azure ShareGate migration application access token
Another version of a DLL in your Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is prioritized
Unable to complete the consent process
The setting could not be activated on the workflow
The value of the column was truncated because its length exceeded the limit for an Excel cell value
Sorry, something went wrong (or Exception HRESULT: 0x80131904)
An unexpected error occurred
The queried site is not responding
We were unable to load your local ShareGate Migrate data
Invalid Certificate
One or more environments targeted by this task have been disconnected.
There was a problem retrieving the token used to identify you with Google Drive
You are not authorized to perform this operation
SharePoint encountered an internal error in the Business Data service
A file is missing either in your ShareGate Migrate or .NET Framework installation and prevents the application from running correctly
The ShareGate Migrate update failed
The SharePoint server returned an error : "(502) Bad Gateway"
Unable to connect to the Microsoft Azure storage account
Unable to connect to SharePoint Online using ADFS and manual authentication
The server could not be found, either because the address is invalid or because the network is down
Proxy authentication is required in order to connect to your SharePoint site
Unable to connect to SharePoint possibly due to a configuration issue with the zones defined in the SharePoint Central Administration
SharePoint took too long to respond to a request
You are not authorized to connect to the SharePoint site
SharePoint encountered an internal "ServiceActivationException" error while trying to respond to a request
ShareGate was unable to get the version of your SharePoint server
The connection with the SharePoint site failed
You are not authorized to perform the requested operation

The external user's forwarded event could not be retrieved
Shared drives need at least one member before you can access their content
One or more errors occurred error when launching an incremental migration with Copy teams
Unable to remove the index on the field 'X' because the list exceeds the list view threshold.
Cannot create a site because an unexpected error occurred (New subsites are not available for your organization)
The source view you selected may filter out some items and exclude them from the migration
Copying files that potentially include script requires enabling custom script setting at the destination
Teams private channel migration issue
The OneNote notebook referred by this tab was not found at the destination
Import from file share unique permissions error
List content type cannot be copied
Import from file share - Properties cannot be extracted
The Central Administration for site could not be found
External sharing setting is more permissive
The app does not exists in the destination tenant
Page templates are copied to the appropriate page template folder in the destination.
A method from the WebPartPages service of SharePoint has been deprecated and is preventing the successful copy of a web part
You are not authorized to create a new team. This is most likely because you do not have the proper Microsoft 365 Teams license activated.
The name of the site collection is locked down in Microsoft 365
The Microsoft 365 group was created using the wrong managed path
The Microsoft 365 group was created using the wrong managed path
A Nintex workflow default column is missing at the source
Form templates cannot be browser-enabled on this server without server administrator approval
Failed to import the item as a draft
Document Sets are Filtered as Folders in a View
To see item-level errors, go to your migration report’s filters and apply Show item-level
The custom permission associated with the item could not be copied since it would exceed the list limit
Troubleshooting OneNote issues with ONE and ONETOC2 files
This object uses Guest Links, which are not supported and will not be converted
My destination site is in a different language than my source site
This license key is blocked
Why did the size of the migrated content get larger at the destination?
The page could not be created. Custom Scripting might be deactivated on the destination site or you might not have sufficient permissions.
This item was not copied due to a fatal error
Cannot find the list or library associated to the Modern Web Part
This item has not been copied since there are multiple matching items at the destination
The page cannot be copied because it contains modern web parts
Copying the library to a new URL will break its functionality, so the copy cannot be completed
Cannot connect to the Office Graph
The file or folder name contains characters (% or #) which are not supported by the destination environment
Copying to a Microsoft 365 Site Collection requires Custom Scripts to be enabled at the destination
This page contains WebParts for which the correct zone could not be found
The folder name contains one or more special characters (e.g. '#' or '%') that prevent ShareGate Migrate from fetching its files. Renaming the folder to remove these characters will allow ShareGate Migrate to copy its content
This item has been copied as a new item since there is multiple matching items at the destination
When using the Insane Mode, it is necessary to have the site collection administrator permissions at your destination
It is impossible to import from an Excel file exported from SharePoint with Google Drive as a source
The copy of comments in note board web parts is not supported
Unable to create record declaration fields for the destination list
Error communication with Google Drive or the ShareGate Migrate service that handles authentication for Google Drive did not respond
The requested file is not valid because its destination path refers to a different file type than its source counterpart
The text message (SMS) service is not properly configured on your destination server
There was an unknown error with the Google Drive API: {0}
The folder has a lookup value which refers to one of it's children
Unable to download the Manifest package: you are no longer linked to a Microsoft Azure storage account.
The value 'X' is unavailable
The resource requested was not found by Google Drive
The request sent to the Google Drive API was not valid
The token used to identify you with Google Drive was not valid
Records cannot be copied when the Site Collection Settings Declaration Role is set to 'Only policy actions'
The certificate used to identify you as an admin was invalid and ShareGate Migrate was not able to successfully create a new one
One or more alerts are configured to send text messages (SMS) and these alerts are not supported on your destination server
The item contains an illegal character
The survey contains no questions
The export of an item declared as a record is not allowed with the Copy SharePoint Content tool
You have been denied access during a Google Drive API call
You don't have the required administrator permissions to migrate from Google Drive in administrator mode
Cannot map the lookup value at the destination because it points to an ID field and there are no Unique Key properties
The absolute URL was found in the source/destination column of the Excel file
Unable to download the Manifest package: it may have been deleted from your Microsoft Azure storage account
Microsoft 365 was unable to create the Microsoft Azure migration job
User alerts cannot be migrated from SharePoint 2003
SharePoint 2013 workflows cannot be migrated to versions prior to SharePoint 2013/Foundation
The initiation/association form linked with the workflow could not be copied
The user alert/aggregation calendar/validation rule belonging to refers to a view which could not be found at the source/destination
A column does not contain any information after the migration
The form will not be copied because it resides in another site
The URL is not valid for a site collection
The content type id associated with the document template could not be updated
ShareGate was unable to find the user through the people picker
ShareGate Migrate is unable to copy term group properties due to Microsoft 365 public site limitations
The Default Azure Storage Account is Not Available
The list is required for this workflow and cannot be found at the source
The term could not be found in the destination term set
The item already exists at the destination site
The source column refers to a term that cannot be found in the term set
ShareGate Migrate could not create credentials for the user, make sure ShareGate Migrate has authority on the domain
The formula refers to a column that does not exist
Changes that were made since the last checked in version will be lost during the migration
The workflow association on the list cannot be copied because some properties are missing or are not supported on your destination SharePoint server
The site template specified at the destination is not valid for a Site Collection
Unable to determine web context for root item with scope
No managed metadata service is set as the default service for Enterprise Keywords
The warning value for the storage/resource quota is higher than the maximum storage/resource quota
One or many terms in the Enterprise Keywords field are placed under a term set within the managed metadata infrastructure at the source
Draft owners cannot be preserved
Cannot overwrite the source list
Unable to create the folder/item because it refers to an item/folder having the same name
There was an error while trying to update the migration report
Copying User Alerts requires the permission on the source/destination site
The content type name was replaced because it contains some illegal characters
The file could not be found
There are multiple destination items that correspond to the given key values for the lookup item
This item is the current welcome page/read-only/on hold or declared as a record/a folder
Unable to create site because there's already an existing site
The latest version of the workflow is not published and could not be copied
The default group will be ignored/not assigned
The destination list or library contains folders with Managed Metadata columns which are not supported by Insane Mode
The file could not be found for the version
The recurring event associated with this event could not be found at the destination
This file/folder will not be copied because it is a symbolic link on a file/folder already copied
The fields have the same ID
The permission level was not found at the destination/source
Unable to copy the workflow
Could not convert WebPart: The content of the WebPart is not in a WebPart Zone for page (URL)
The ID of this folder will not be kept due to a limitation
Feature for list template is not installed in this farm
Property 'SelfLookupField': Reference to value 'ReferenceValue' creates a circular dependency chain
SharePoint encountered an error related with property promotion/demotion
The column ordering for the list could not be reproduced at the destination
This Out-of-the-box workflow cannot be copied because the workflow template cannot be found for this language
There is not enough free space on the SharePoint server's disk
Could not add field/content type because the associated site column is corrupted
Unable to copy your file, file type is blocked by SharePoint due to security risks
This specific tool only supports SharePoint 2010 and above as destination
The tool was unable to create the Document Set
Workflows cannot be copied because Nintex Workflow for Microsoft 365 doesn't support them
The permissions of the Nintex workflow constant have been changed or detected use of a workflow constant which does not exist or is not allowed for the current user in the action
The Site Column cannot be created or updated
The term set this column refers to cannot be found in the source site
You don't have the server side permission required at the destination to prevent the User Alerts from being fired during the copy
You need to upgrade your license in order to migrate Nintex Workflows and Forms
The list field that the lookup field references cannot be found at the source
Unable to set user as the site collection owner
Copying content to a Record library is not supported by this tool/Insane Mode
The text value is invalid, probably because it exceeds the 255 character limit
The term set could not be found at the destination
Unable to determine if this item already exists due to the list view threshold
When migrating managed metadata, it is strongly recommended to have 'Term Store Administrator' permissions on your source/destination site
Unable to copy because the size exceeds the maximum size allowed by SharePoint
The object with the following address was expected to be located under the following web address
The value provided already exists in another list item
The list validation formula failed
Cannot create the field because the type is not supported
The template used to create the site is not available at the source/destination site
Unable to copy because of dependency in parent, child, or sibling site
Cannot activate feature
An unexpected error occurred: Save Conflict
Cannot perform this operation because the item you try to replace is currently checked out
An error occurred when attempting to create the site
An element associated with the workflow cannot be found
You are not allowed to respond again to this survey
An address was corrected for the field but the resulting address exceeds the limit of 255 characters
Discussion boards cannot be migrated from SharePoint 2003
Unable to create or update WebPart
The list's address will be modified because there's already an existing site, list, folder, or file
Authors and timestamp system properties will not be preserved after the migration
Copying meeting workspace sites is not fully supported
When migrating content, it's strongly recommended to have 'site collection administrator' permissions on your source/destination list
Copying the content from/to a MicroFeed list is not supported
The lookup field refers to a list that cannot be found
The destination/source list or library contain elements which are not supported by Insane Mode
Document ID Service feature cannot be automatically activated
Please specify another value - Lookup column
Other Warnings
Workflow tasks are not supported
The Page Layout could not be found
Please specify another value - Managed metadata
The time zone at the destination is not the same as the source
The content database has run out of free space
The formula of a calculated column cannot contain volatile functions like Today and Me
To maximize your maximum migration speed you must install the ShareGate Migrate Extension version 1.8.3 or greater on your source and destination servers
There was a problem contacting the Server Extension
Draft versions are not enabled on your list and only draft versions are available for copy
Other Errors
Could not activate feature
Please specify another value - Choice column
SharePoint is not responding to connection requests from ShareGate Migrate at this time
This value is required
The specified file/folder/item names are too long
User/Group cannot be found/created at destination/source
Unable to reset the original record declaration settings of the list
Site Owners is empty for my site
The Microsoft 365 Application is unavailable at the destination
Quick Parts are not supported
There was an error while trying to add the application at the destination
The term set used in the navigation settings cannot be found in the destination site
The site collection could not be copied because more then one site collection would result in the same destination address
SharePoint returns an error after transferring the file
When migrating site objects, it is strongly recommended to have 'Site Collection Administrator' permissions on your source/destination site

Workflow will be copied, but it will need to be updated to behave as expected
Cannot guarantee that the dates in workflow action conditions will be accurate with your current Nintex version
Workflow action cannot be converted from on-premises to Microsoft 365
The following Nintex workflow actions refer to a custom result source/type which is not supported
The credentials have not been defined in the External providers configuration, but actions require them
The parameter of the action is of the type which is not supported in Nintex Workflow on-premises
This form references functions that are not available at the destination
The content type/column is generated by Nintex on Microsoft 365 and cannot be migrated
A Nintex user defined action could not be created at level
This behavior is not supported with On-Premises Nintex Workflows
There was an error while adding the required Nintex Live actions on the destination farm
The destination form was published to Nintex Live with a new URL
The workflow cannot be copied because it has a Nintex Live action and this service is unavailable at the destination
The form will not be published to Nintex Live at the destination because this feature is not available on Microsoft 365
Workflow action/variables cannot be converted from Microsoft 365 to on-premises
Nintex Workflow on-premises does not support this
The list item associated to the list is required for this Nintex form and cannot be found at the destination
This form references Form Variables that are not supported at the destination
The user-defined action is used in the workflow, but it cannot be found at the source/destination
The escalation date for the action cannot be converted
The form is set to allow anonymous access, but anonymous access is disabled on the destination farm
The form type 'InfoPath' isn't supported for the 'Request Data' user interaction action
The Nintex workflow seems to be invalid, so it has only been saved at the destination instead of being published
Workflow action cannot be converted from on-premises to Microsoft 365
Initializing Nintex Service
The value will not be preserved in the action because Nintex does not support setting this value when field references are set
The site/workflow referenced by the workflow action could not be found at the source/destination
ShareGate Migrate service interfacing with the Nintex Discovery Service is not available