When attempting to copy an item, ShareGate Migrate displays one of the following error messages:
Unable to determine web context for root item with scope '<URL>'
Error code
This error occurs while copying a site object to a destination site when ShareGate Migrate is unable to determine into which site at the destination the object should be copied. When copying site objects, ShareGate Migrate attempts to recreate the structure as accurately as possible to match the structure from the source site. For example, if a list is using a Content Type that was created in the root site, it will attempt to create the Content Type in the root site as well on the destination site.
However, in some rare cases, ShareGate Migrate can fail to determine where it should be copied. This is often due to a configuration issue with the object itself, such as moving a site to become a sibling of one of its previous parents. The site object can then require a parent Content Type that is no longer available in its site hierarchy. This behavior is not supported by ShareGate Migrate and as such, the copy will not succeed.
You can contact our technical support team to further investigate the cause and find a resolution.