When migrating a list with Copy structure and content, ShareGate's migration tool displays the following error in the migration report:
Cannot overwrite the source list, try copying to a different location or renaming the item.
Error code
ShareGate's migration tool does not copy a list over itself on the same site, as this could cause hard-to-fix damage to your SharePoint environment.
You can copy your list within the same site with ShareGate Migrate if you give it a new name and URL.
To change the name and URL, follow the steps of the Copy structure and content - Lists and libraries until you are connected to your source and destination and have selected your list at the source, then follow these steps:
Click Options at the top
Change the name in the New title field.
The New list address (URL) field should get updated as well. If not, type a new title for the URL path in that field.
Click the Save and close checkmark icon.
Copy your list.