124 articles
GoDaddy Microsoft 365 limitations
App password
Custom domain connection
Multi-domain file share
Power Automate and PowerApps
Modern Authentication
SharePoint Status Indicators and Status Lists
Scrolling using a touch screen or touch pad in ShareGate Migrate is not supported
Minimum Screen Resolution
Records Limitations
Modern web part links are always updated
List conditional formatting not applied after migration
The requested resource cannot be found when copying between sites with different languages
Created date in OneDrive for Business
SharePoint server databases
The migration of managed metadata columns is not supported when migrating Microsoft Teams private channels
Top navigation links in classic SharePoint pages
Microsoft Forms
Add shortcut to My files in OneDrive for Business
Information barriers
One or more video files were migrated into a library with a Video content type
Links disappear or will not work after a page migration
All day events in a modern site calendar
Sensitivity labels
Term navigation limitation when using Simple Link or Header
Microsoft 365 Groups - Outlook calendar
Scheduled Copy content only migrations
Copy Teams using Single Sign-on (SSO)
Folder versions are not supported
Sharing settings
Your list item title is replaced by an ID in your Microsoft 365 task list
Incoming email settings
Portal listings
Location column - Additional fields
Limited access
Site Activity Web Part
Business connectivity services (external data)
Metadata values are not ignored
Multi-Geo tenant
Multilingual SharePoint sites
Internal Name of the Documents Library
Editing Pages Migrated to a Library Other than Site Pages
The Time Range Filter will not Use the Internal Properties of a File
Search Components Data
.onebin files
Internal and external Sharing links
Microsoft retention settings
Allow users to order items in this view
Issue List history in SharePoint 2003
Viewing Surveys while on Modern View
Document IDs
Hub sites that are associated to sites
Image renditions
Barcode Enabled Libraries or Lists
Time Created value on new surveys
List level Metadata Navigation Settings
Target Audiences
Event Receivers
InfoPath forms with the Modern list experience
Hidden Lists and Libraries
Team Site Notebook
Look and Feel
Document Sets
Read-only lock
External users are not always preserved
Information Rights Management (IRM)
Content Organizer Settings and Rules
Content Search WebParts in Advanced Mode
IBM Notes (previously Lotus Notes) are not supported for migration
Association Columns
Target Audiences Web Part not Supported for Migration
Personal Views
Custom Features, Third Party Web Parts, and Apps
Globally reusable workflows
Site page pinning is not preserved
Suite navigation is not preserved
In-Place Hold Policy Center and Compliance Policy Center
Copying items that contains circular self-lookup in their past versions using Insane Mode
URLs that are contained in documents will not be corrected
Custom permissions on groups from SharePoint 2003 are not fully supported
Copying pages using taxonomy navigation
Scheduling Start Date and Scheduling End Date bulk edit is not supported.
Discussion List form migration is not supported
Hidden and system items on a file share
Document Information Panel is not supported
Library setting : Column default value settings
Host-Named Site Collection
Incremental Copy does not match the destination item
SharePoint objects Creation Date is not migrated
Quota Template And Owners
App webs are not supported for migration
User profiles are not supported
User Likes
Workflow Status, History and Tasks are not preserved
Migrating references between messages and replies in discussion boards
Mapping Custom Site Templates is Not Supported
WebPart toolbar type is not preserved during migration
Cannot detect feature when doing pre-migration check
User alerts
Fab 40 templates
Master pages and page layouts
List item IDs
Content type hub limitations
Project Server, Project Web App, and Project Sites migration not supported