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Multilingual SharePoint sites
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Multilingual User Interface (MUI) and multilingual page translation are SharePoint features allowing users to view your sites in their preferred language.


Multilingual User Interface (MUI)

MUI allows your users to see and use SharePoint site interfaces such as site navigation, site title, and site description in their preferred language rather than the default language used when the site was created.


You migrate a site with an MUI, and it only renders in one language at the destination.


ShareGate Migrate does not preserve the language settings or translations of your sites. The destination site will use the default language of the destination tenant or farm.

Communication site multilingual pages

In SharePoint, when you create a communication site page in your default language, you can manually create a corresponding page in a chosen target language for users who prefer that language.


You migrate translated pages from your source communication site, and the links relating to the content are lost.


ShareGate Migrate does not fully support multilingual page translation. The destination site will contain your translated pages under the language folder in the SitePages library; however, the original pages will no longer have the links that point toward these translated pages.

SharePoint will invite you to recreate the translations, but it is impossible to link back to your existing translations.

Multilanguage settings

Multilanguage settings are not preserved during the migration. You can activate them manually at the destination after your migration.

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