With Microsoft 365, you can generate an app password to sign into an app that does not support multifactor authentication (MFA).
While an app password might seem like a proper solution to an MFA issue in ShareGate Migrate, we do not recommend using one.
When you use an app password, ShareGate Migrate loses access to some Microsoft services, and it can result in slower migrations, unpredictable errors, and other issues.
You will have a better experience with ShareGate Migrate if you troubleshoot your MFA issue instead of relying on an app password.
To troubleshoot an MFA issue and contact support for assistance, see Troubleshoot Microsoft 365 connection issues.
Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups
ShareGate Migrate uses the Graph API to manage and copy your teams and Microsoft 365 groups.
When you connect to your tenant with an app password, ShareGate Migrate cannot access the Graph API and you become unable to copy and manage your teams and groups.
When a global admin consents to the Azure ShareGate migration app, it allows ShareGate Migrate to use AppID to tell Microsoft 365 the tenant traffic comes from a migration app. During a migration, AppID helps reduce throttling considerably.
When you connect with an app password, ShareGate Migrate cannot use AppID, and you become more susceptible to getting throttled.