128 articles
Use Import Module when you launch PowerShell through Windows
Run an incremental migration in PowerShell
Copy options in PowerShell
Use mappings in PowerShell
Use multiple mapping files at once
Import metadata with an Excel spreadsheet in PowerShell
Copy to and from multiple destinations with a foreach loop statement and a CSV file in PowerShell
Schedule your PowerShell migration
Cancel a PowerShell task
Hide credentials in scripts
Quotation marks
Use What If to run a pre-check in PowerShell
Add site collections to the Explore screen in PowerShell
Export and import Explorer connections in PowerShell
Avoid repeatedly entering your credentials with the browser connection method
Copy objects with similar names using PowerShell wildcards
Box.com migration tips
Migrate OneDrive for Business to OneDrive for Business with PowerShell
Import from file share to OneDrive for Business with PowerShell
Create a new OneDrive folder for migrations with PowerShell
Migrate My Sites to OneDrive for Business with PowerShell
Import from Box.com to OneDrive for Business with PowerShell
Import Google Drive documents to OneDrive for Business with PowerShell
Connect-SiteConnect to a SharePoint site with PowerShell
Connect-TenantConnect to your Microsoft 365 tenant with PowerShell to copy teams
New-ProxySettingsDefine proxy settings to use when connecting to SharePoint with PowerShell
Add-SiteCollectionAdministratorAdd site collection admin permissions to your account when connecting to a SharePoint site with PowerShell
Remove Site Collection AdministratorRemove site collection admin permissions from your account with PowerShell
New-PropertyTemplateDefine a new property template to use with PowerShell to copy content
Import-PropertyTemplateImport a property template file to use for your content migration with PowerShell
Export-ReportExport your SharePoint migration report with PowerShell
Find-CopySessionsFind migration tasks within a timeframe with PowerShell
New-MappingSettingsOverride pre-existing mapping settings with PowerShell
New-CopySettingsDefine your operation mode for content that already exists in the destination with PowerShell
Export-ConnectionsExport your Explore screen connections to an XLSX or CSV file with PowerShell
Remove-SiteDelete a site with PowerShell
Copy-SiteCopy a SharePoint site with PowerShell
Copy-ListCopy a SharePoint list or library with PowerShell
Copy-ContentTypeCopy a SharePoint content type with PowerShell
Copy-SiteColumnCopy a SharePoint site column with PowerShell
Copy-GroupCopy a SharePoint group with PowerShell
Copy Term SetCopy a SharePoint managed metadata term set with PowerShell
Copy-TermGroupCopy a SharePoint managed metadata term group with PowerShell
Copy-WorkflowCopy a SharePoint or Nintex workflow with PowerShell
Copy-ObjectPermissionsCopy permissions between SharePoint objects with PowerShell with some limitations
Copy-MailboxCopy Microsoft 365 mailboxes with PowerShell
Connect-MicrosoftOnlineConnect to your Microsoft 365 environment to copy mailboxes with PowerShell
New-MailboxCopyOptionsDefine your copy options to copy Microsoft 365 mailboxes with PowerShell
Import-MailboxMappingsImport mailbox and recipient mappings with PowerShell
Export mailbox mappingCreate a CSV mailbox mapping file to use with the Copy-Mailbox PowerShell command
Combine your mailbox and recipient mappings for PowerShellCombine your mailbox and recipient mappings exported from the ShareGate Migrate app to use them with the Copy-Mailbox PowerShell command
Copy-TeamCopy Microsoft 365 Teams with PowerShell
Copy-TeamChannelCopy Microsoft 365 team channels with PowerShell
Copy-TeamIncrementalRun an incremental migration of your teams with PowerShell
New-TeamCopyOptionsChoose your copy options when migrating Microsoft 365 Teams with PowerShell
Set-TeamChannelCopyOptionsChoose your copy options when migrating Microsoft 365 team channels with PowerShell
Create a new Teams folder for migrations with PowerShellCreate a new folder in the Files tab of your Teams General channel with PowerShell
Authorize ShareGate Migrate in Box.comAuthorize ShareGate Migrate in Box.com to use the Import-BoxDocument command in PowerShell
Connect to Box.comConnect to Box.com to copy your content to SharePoint with PowerShell
Impersonate an owner for Box.com migrationAct as your Box.com owners to copy your documents to SharePoint with PowerShell
Import-BoxDocumentCopy Box.com documents to a SharePoint library with PowerShell
Box.com throttlingLearn about Box.com's throttling mechanism, which can cause performance issues when copying Box.com documents with PowerShell
Export-TenantUserMappingsExport a Microsoft 365 tenant-wide user mapping Excel file with PowerShell.
Import-TenantUserMappingsCreate new user mappings from a tenant-wide user mappings Excel file with PowerShell
Create a user mapping from a CSV fileCreate a ShareGate user mapping file (SGUM) with PowerShell
Remove-UserAndGroupMappingRemove a user or group from your user mappings with PowerShell
Save-UserAndGroupMappingSave your user and group mappings for a specific source and destination with PowerShell
Export-UserAndGroupMappingExport your ShareGate Migrate user and group mappings as an SGUM file with PowerShell
Import-UserAndGroupMappingImport user and group mappings from an SGUM file with PowerShell
Get-UserAndGroupMappingGet your user mappings for a specified source and destination SharePoint site with PowerShell
Set-UserAndGroupMappingUpdate your user and group mappings with PowerShell
Get Term Set
Get OneDrive URL
Get Team Channel
Get Team
Get Content Type
Get List
Get Site Column
Get SubSite
Get Term Store
Get Workflow
Get Term Group
Get Group
Get List Item
Get Folder
Get-MailboxFetch a Microsoft 365 mailbox with PowerShell
Get File
Get Google Shared Drive
Get Google My Drive
Get Microsoft 365 Group
Get Planner Plan
Get Box Users