ShareGate Migrate provides easy-to-use features that help you complete your migration project.
While simple SharePoint sites are easy to migrate, challenges arise when copying complex SharePoint environments.
This guide will help you overcome these challenges and start your migration project.
How ShareGate Migrate works
ShareGate Migrate is a client-side application that interacts between your source and destination environments.
Knowing how the application works in the background will help you better understand some sections of this guide.
To learn more about how ShareGate Migrate works, check the article in the Migration flow diagrams section that best fits your scenario.
Note: Copy teams and Copy mailboxes don't have diagrams yet. They both mostly use Microsoft APIs to get information from your source and copy it to the destination. In the case of Copy teams, a significant portion of your migration will be the SharePoint sites associated with your teams, which the app copies like any other SharePoint site.
What to expect during a migration
Migrations can be vastly different. Testing is the best way to estimate the time it will take and the challenges you may face.
Total migration time is more dependent on the complexity of your environment than on the total size of your sites and files. We will expand on this later in the guide.
Content and structure
We often reference content and structure in the application.
Content depicts list items and documents; it is the content of your lists and libraries.
Structure defines elements that hold and affect your content; structure elements include Lists, libraries, sites, site collections, content types, etc.
How to use this guide
This advanced guide has steps to help you plan and complete your migration project.
We will review the different phases of a migration project, provide general information about what to look out for, and offer useful links to more detailed information.
The sections of this guide are:
Prepare - Get your environment and ShareGate Migrate ready for your migration project.
Learn - Discover how you can use ShareGate Migrate for your migration project.
Plan - Everything you need to know and some tips to help you create your migration schedule.
Validate - Confirm the app successfully migrated your data.