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Walkthrough - Copy teams
Walkthrough - Copy teams
Updated over a month ago

Copy teams and their channels so you can easily reorganize and restructure your teams to make sense of how people collaborate and move inside your organization.

Note: Copy teams comes with a few restrictions. We recommend reading the Copy teams limitations article before running a Teams migration.


  • The Azure ShareGate migration tool application is consented on your tenant.

  • You have global admin or SharePoint admin permissions.

    • If you do not have global admin permissions, you will need Teams admin permissions and SharePoint admin permissions.

  • You have a working Teams license for the source and destination.

  • The users you are migrating have a working Teams license for the source and destination.

  • You have logged into Teams at least once (in a browser or the Teams app) to access the hosted content.

Note: The prerequisites apply to your source and destination if you migrate teams to another tenant.


  1. Select Copy from the sidebar.

  2. Select Copy teams.

  3. Select your source tenant in the left corner if it is already connected.

  4. If your source tenant is not connected, click No connections then +Add connection.

  5. Select a team to copy as a whole or to copy its channels to another team.

    • You can select multiple teams and channels. You will be able to determine where you want to migrate everything in the destination view.

    • If you want to select specific channels only, click on the arrow symbol at the left of your team's icon to expand the list. For more information, see Walkthrough - Copy team channels.

  6. Click Continue to destination.

  7. Select your destination tenant if it's already connected.

  8. If your destination tenant is not already connected, click +Add connection. For more information, see Connect to SharePoint and Microsoft 365.

  9. Click Options to change your copy options.

  10. Click User mappings to map users.

  11. Click the Edit icon (pencil) that appears when you hover your mouse on a team to rename the team or some of its channels in the destination.

  12. To migrate a team and its channels as a new team at the destination, select Copy as a new team.

  13. To migrate all the channels to a team at the destination, select Copy channels in an existing team.

    • You can search and select the destination team in the dropdown that appears.

  14. Click Start copy to migrate your Team(s).

  15. Click Schedule copy to migrate your Team(s) at a later time.

  16. When you start the copy, ShareGate Migrate takes you to the task summary page, where you can monitor the progress of the migration.

  17. Once the action is completed, the migration report will show any successes, warnings, or errors. For more information, see Migration report.

Since you are creating new teams at the destination, team members will receive an email informing them that they are part of the new team.

Note: Do not connect to the Teams admin URL at step (4). Use the SharePoint admin URL instead to connect to your tenant. For more information about the SharePoint admin URL format, see Site address connection types overview.

Incremental copy

You can use incremental copy for teams migrated with ShareGate Migrate 15.0 and higher. For more information, see Copy teams - Incremental.

If you remigrate a team already in the destination, it will be duplicated.

Tip: If you did your initial migration with a version of ShareGate Migrate before 15.0, or if you want more control over the incremental copy of your files only, See Copy teams - Copy content only and Copy if newer (incremental).

After your migration

Go beyond your migration with ShareGate and keep your Microsoft 365 destination organized, secure, and clutter-free with the following features:

  • ShareGate Management grants you better visibility and control of your Microsoft 365 teams, groups, and communication sites.

  • ShareGate Provisioning allows you to customize Teams templates with the right governance policies to facilitate your Microsoft Teams users' creation of new teams.

With ShareGate, you can also automate tasks like asking your owners about their inactive teams and groups and external sharing; you can export custom teams and groups reports; you can audit your tenant's activity; and so much more.

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