The Copilot Readiness Assessment crawls your tenant and collects data about public Microsoft 365 groups to explain how they can affect data security with Copilot.
Note: When a Microsoft 365 group becomes public, the Everyone except external users (EEEU) built-in security group is added to its membership to allow access to everyone within the organization. The EEEU security group can also be added to a non-public Microsoft 365 group. To learn how the assessment can help you find these groups, see Everyone except external users (EEEU) access details.
Accessing Public groups details
To access Public groups details, do one of the following:
From the Overview tab, find the groups are public key point and click Review groups.
From the Data security tab, select Public groups in the Oversharing section.
Public groups overview
The Public groups page displays the public Microsoft 365 groups and provides information about how they may affect Copilot.
About public groups displays:
The percentage of public Microsoft 365 groups.
The potential risk of public groups.
Suggested actions to mitigate the potential risk of public groups.
Public groups report
The report displays:
The total number of Microsoft 365 groups.
The group Name.
The group Owner or number of owners.
The group Privacy setting.
The EEEU permission level.
Click Export to save the report as a CSV file. The CSV file includes the following columns:
Workspace name
Workspace URL
Workspace ID
EEEU permission level
The sorting and search results in the CSV are the same as in the on-screen report when the report was exported.
EEEU permission levels
EEEU groups can have the following permission levels, which you can filter and see in your report:
Permission levels | Descriptions |
Full control | Grants complete access to the site settings, content, and admin features. |
Edit | Allows users to add, edit, and delete lists, libraries, and their content. |
Read | Allows users to view items on the site. |