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Collaboration status
Updated over 2 months ago

The Ask owner(s) feature lets you manually send a ShareGate Teams chatbot notification or email to multiple team or group owners simultaneously.

When sent, you can use the collaboration status to monitor the progress.



The collaboration statuses display after you have notified owners using the Ask owner(s) feature.

Compatible tiles

  • Inactive teams/groups.

  • Teams/Groups without purpose.

  • Teams/Groups with guests or shared links to review.

  • Teams/Groups without sensitivity.

How-to view statuses

  1. Select Manage from the sidebar.

  2. Choose between your tenant's Teams or All Groups.

  3. Select the tile for the feature you want to review (i.e. purpose, sensitivity, inactivity).

  4. Hover your mouse over any team or group that shows a purple, gold, or red collaboration status icon to see an update on that request.

The total number of requests pending in your environment is displayed on each tile.


For details on resolving the red collaboration status, see No owner(s) could be contacted.

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