Could your team(s) have guest accesses and externally shared files you no longer need? Review your teams' external shares from ShareGate's end-user app to keep your environment secure.
Review a single team
In Microsoft Teams:
Select ShareGate from Teams sidebar.
If you can't find the ShareGate end-user app on the left side of Teams, use the three dots button.
Select a team you wish to review from the Teams tab.
Select Review external shares on the team summary pane.
Review your team's inactive guests.
If you wish to remove a guest from your team, select Remove access next to the desired entry.
Select Next.
Review your team's external sharing links.
If you wish to remove a link to an externally shared file, select Remove link next to the desired entry.
Select Complete review and exit.
Review teams in bulk
In Microsoft Teams:
Select ShareGate from the Teams sidebar.
If you can't find the ShareGate end-user app on the left side of Teams, use the three dots button.
From the Overview or Workspaces view, select Review external shares.
Look at the teams and content to review, then click Start review.
Review your inactive guests.
If you wish to remove a guest from your team, select Remove access next to the desired entry.
Select Next.
Review your external sharing links.
If you wish to remove a link to an externally shared file, select Remove link next to the desired entry.
Select Save changes and exit.
Note: When you review external shares in bulk, you'll review all teams that you're an owner of.
Your review choices won't be saved or executed until you click Save changes and exit.
If you remove the link to an externally shared file, the file won't be deleted from your team.
If your team still has external shares after completing a review, the team will show on the counter next to the warning icon in the end-user app. That doesn't mean your review wasn't registered or that you need to do anything else. It's just a visual reminder that you have external sharing links that can be removed when they're no longer needed.