As an admin, it's a constant struggle to maintain order in an ever-changing Microsoft 365 environment. Luckily, ShareGate Management has governance policies which allow you to collaborate with team and group owners through automated communications. In short, Policies lets you prompt owners to take administrative action on their teams or groups.
Inactivity detection
Set the inactivity time period that suits your organization and toggle on Ask owners automatically for the inactive policy to begin.
Choose our chatbot or email as your preferred communication method. If a team or group has no activity (for longer than the period you set with the policy), the owners will be automatically asked to take action.
For more details about the Inactivity detection policy, check out Inactivity management features overview.
Note: This policy applies to teams and groups that become inactive in the future, and does not apply to teams and groups that are currently inactive. You can ask owners to take action on existing teams and groups as a bulk action from the Manage page.
Purpose tags
Use purpose tags to identify team and group business purposes at a glance. Set a custom inactivity threshold for each purpose tag so the amount of time teams and groups can be inactive is based on their business purpose.
Toggle on Automatically ask owners to activate the ShareGate Teams chatbot. Our chatbot automatically asks owners to apply a purpose tag when creating a new team or group.
For more information, see Purpose tags overview.
Note: This automation applies to newly created teams and groups and does not apply to existing ones. You can ask owners to apply a purpose tag to existing teams and groups from the Manage page.
External sharing review
Toggle on Automate adding teams to review to activate your default External sharing review policy. Now, if a team or group has external sharing links or guests, owners will automatically receive a notification to take action based on the review frequency you set.
You can set the review start date, the amount of time between each review, and your preferred communication method.
For more information on the External sharing review policy, see External sharing management features overview.
Tip: All teams and groups in your Microsoft environment are automatically included in your default external sharing review cycle. To create custom reviews based on data sensitivity, see Sensitivity tags overview - Relationship to external sharing reviews.
Sensitivity tags
Use sensitivity tags to organize teams and groups by data sensitivity level and apply security settings accordingly. Set a custom external sharing review cycle for each sensitivity tag so external sharing links and guests are reviewed and removed based on the data sensitivity of the teams and groups.
Toggle on Automatically ask owners to activate the ShareGate Teams chatbot. Our chatbot automatically asks owners to apply a sensitivity tag when creating a new team or group.
For more information, see Sensitivity tags overview.
Note: This automation applies to newly created teams and groups and does not apply to existing ones. You can ask owners to apply a sensitivity tag to existing teams and groups from the Manage page.