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Settings overview
Updated over 3 months ago

Go to the Settings to customize notifications and select your storage for archiving.



Select Notifications to configure your admin alerts (i.e., the monthly digest, the governance alerts, and the external sharing review status emails).

Recipient account

This account receives all admin notifications. The default recipient is the account used when consenting ShareGate during first sign-up.

To set a specific recipient, start typing a name or email address in the Email or contact name field. ShareGate will display a list of options. Once found, select the account.

The account that currently receives the admin notifications is shown under Current account.

For more information on the account requirements, see Email sender and Recipient account requirements.

Monthly digest

The monthly governance digest summarizes what's going on in your tenant, including potential issues and suggested actions you can take to improve the situation.

You can choose to receive your monthly digest by Microsoft Teams chatbot or email.

To change the account that receives the digest, see Recipient account above.

For complete details, see Monthly governance digest.

Governance alerts

Keep up-to-date with what's happening to teams in your tenant through ShareGate Teams chatbot governance alerts.

Use the toggles to choose which alerts you want to receive, then customize their frequency.

To change the account that receives the digest, see Recipient account above.

For complete details, see Governance alerts.


Select Communications to update team and group owner preferences, such as adding users to the Do not disturb list.

Email sender

The default email address used to send notifications to team and group owners is: [email protected].

To replace the default email address with something more recognizable, start typing a name or email address in the Email or contact name field. ShareGate will display a list of options. Once found, select the account.

The account currently used to communicate with owners is shown under Current sender.

For more information on the account requirements, see Email sender and Recipient account requirements.

Do not disturb list

You can add specific users to the Do not disturb list to prevent them from receiving any notifications (i.e., by email or our chatbot).

Start to type the name of a valid email address or contact name in the search field and results will appear. Once found, select the desired user and they will be added to the list.


ShareGate provides a complimentary Azure storage account for all your archiving needs. This storage account is located in Microsoft Azure's East US 2 region, is secure at all times (at rest and in transit), and stored with three layers of encryption.

For more information about data security with ShareGate storage, see Encryption and data security.

If you prefer to use your own Azure storage solution, select Setup your own Azure storage. For more information, see Set up your own Azure storage account.

Tip: Set up your Azure storage account so team and group owners can choose to archive their inactive teams and groups. For more information, see Inactivity management features overview.

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