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Updated over 3 months ago

Below are the filters available for your reports.

Note: The Object Type determines which filters are available.

Active tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of tasks they contain.


Include or exclude certain users and groups that are admins.

Anonymous access

Select whether to include sites with Anonymous access enabled/disabled.

Anonymous guest link

Select to include/exclude a permission level for anonymous guest links.

Approval status

Filter documents by status (approved, rejected, pending, etc.).

Audited events

Include or exclude certain events (ShareGate Migrate provides a checklist).

Buckets count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of buckets they contain.

Channel count

Filter your teams by how many channels they have.

Checked out status

Include or exclude checked in/out documents.

Checked out to

Include or exclude users and groups with checked-out documents.

Content type

Include or exclude a specific content type.

Completed tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of completed tasks they contain.

Created by

Select a user or group.

Created date

Specify a specific creation date or date range.

Created date

Filter to documents created on a specific date or date range.

Current navigation type

Filter the site collection by navigation type (i.e., Managed, Structural) for local navigation within a site.

Custom master page

Filter a specific custom master page.

Custom permissions

Select whether to include or exclude sites where custom permissions are turned on or off.

Days of audit log data to retain

filter your sites based on the number of days the Audit log data is set to be retained.


Filter a specific site description.

File extension

Include or exclude a specific file extension (PDF, DOC, XLSX, etc.)

Global navigation type

Filter the site collection by Navigation Type (i.e., Managed, Structural) for global navigation from site to site.


Allows you to set a group-specific sub-filter.


Include/exclude teams based on the guest users.


Select to include or exclude items whose permissions were inherited.

In progress tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of in-progress tasks they contain.


Filter a specific Language.

Late tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of late tasks they contain.

Last modified by

Select a user or group.

Last modified date

Specify a specific last modified date or date range.


Allows you to set a list-specific sub-filter.

Master page

Filter a specific Master page.


Include/exclude teams based on the users of their Members group.


Include or exclude a specific document name.

Never checked in

Include or exclude documents never checked in.

Not started tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of tasks not started they contain.

Number of subsites (child)

Site collections with the number of child-level subsites that correspond with your choice.

Number of subsites (total)

Site collections with the number of total subsites that correspond with your choice.

Organization guest link

Select to include or exclude permission level for the organization's guest links.


Include/exclude teams based on the users of their Owners group.


Select specific permissions (ShareGate Migrate provides a sublist).

Permission levels

Select to include or exclude a specific permission level (i.e., read, contribute, etc.).

Plan title

Filter your Planner plans based on their title.

Principal type

Select to include or exclude a specific principal type (i.e., security group, SharePoint group, etc.).

Group name

Filter your Planner plans based on the name of its associated Microsoft 365 group.

Group privacy

Filter based on whether the associated Microsoft 365 group is set to Private or Public.

Private channel count

Filter your tams based on the number of private channels they contain.

Report storage location

Filter the location where the audit log data is stored.

RSS feeds

Include or exclude results with RSS Feeds enabled/disabled.

Share by email

Select whether to include sites where email sharing is enabled/disabled.

Share by link

Select whether to include sites where sharing links are enabled/disabled.

SharePoint designer access

Select whether to include sites where SharePoint designer access is enabled/disabled.

Site address

Filter a specific site address (URL).

Site collection features

Allows you to select features and filter them by state (ShareGate Migrate will access the feature list for you based on your target site collection).

Site columns

Allows you to set a site column-specific sub-filter.

Site content types

Allows you to set a site content type-specific sub-filter.

Site depth

How far your site collection goes (if it is 0, there are no subsites)

Site features

Allows you to select features and filter them by state (ShareGate Migrate will access the feature list for you based on your target site).

Site level

The level you are at from the central admin (i.e. a site collection made from the farm level would be level 2).

Site owners

Include or exclude users or groups who are Site Owners.

Site template

Filter a specific Site Template.


Select the size of the Site Collection (K, KB, MB, GB).

Standard channel count

Filter your teams based on the number of standard channels they contain.


Filter a specific title.

Trim audit log

Select whether to include enabled/disabled Audit Logs.

Total tasks count

Filter your Planner plans based on the number of total tasks they contain.


Allows you to set a user-specific sub-filter.

Version number

Filter documents by version number.

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