Below are the filters available for your reports.
Note: The Object Type determines which filters are available.
Active tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of tasks they contain. |
Administrators | Include or exclude certain users and groups that are admins. |
Anonymous access | Select whether to include sites with Anonymous access enabled/disabled. |
Anonymous guest link | Select to include/exclude a permission level for anonymous guest links. |
Approval status | Filter documents by status (approved, rejected, pending, etc.). |
Audited events | Include or exclude certain events (ShareGate Migrate provides a checklist). |
Buckets count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of buckets they contain. |
Channel count | Filter your teams by how many channels they have. |
Checked out status | Include or exclude checked in/out documents. |
Checked out to | Include or exclude users and groups with checked-out documents. |
Content type | Include or exclude a specific content type. |
Completed tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of completed tasks they contain. |
Created by | Select a user or group. |
Created date | Specify a specific creation date or date range. |
Created date | Filter to documents created on a specific date or date range. |
Current navigation type | Filter the site collection by navigation type (i.e., Managed, Structural) for local navigation within a site. |
Custom master page | Filter a specific custom master page. |
Custom permissions | Select whether to include or exclude sites where custom permissions are turned on or off. |
Days of audit log data to retain | filter your sites based on the number of days the Audit log data is set to be retained. |
Description | Filter a specific site description. |
File extension | Include or exclude a specific file extension (PDF, DOC, XLSX, etc.) |
Global navigation type | Filter the site collection by Navigation Type (i.e., Managed, Structural) for global navigation from site to site. |
Groups | Allows you to set a group-specific sub-filter. |
Guests | Include/exclude teams based on the guest users. |
Inherited | Select to include or exclude items whose permissions were inherited. |
In progress tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of in-progress tasks they contain. |
Language | Filter a specific Language. |
Late tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of late tasks they contain. |
Last modified by | Select a user or group. |
Last modified date | Specify a specific last modified date or date range. |
Lists | Allows you to set a list-specific sub-filter. |
Master page | Filter a specific Master page. |
Members | Include/exclude teams based on the users of their Members group. |
Name | Include or exclude a specific document name. |
Never checked in | Include or exclude documents never checked in. |
Not started tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of tasks not started they contain. |
Number of subsites (child) | Site collections with the number of child-level subsites that correspond with your choice. |
Number of subsites (total) | Site collections with the number of total subsites that correspond with your choice. |
Organization guest link | Select to include or exclude permission level for the organization's guest links. |
Owners | Include/exclude teams based on the users of their Owners group. |
Permissions | Select specific permissions (ShareGate Migrate provides a sublist). |
Permission levels | Select to include or exclude a specific permission level (i.e., read, contribute, etc.). |
Plan title | Filter your Planner plans based on their title. |
Principal type | Select to include or exclude a specific principal type (i.e., security group, SharePoint group, etc.). |
Group name | Filter your Planner plans based on the name of its associated Microsoft 365 group. |
Group privacy | Filter based on whether the associated Microsoft 365 group is set to Private or Public. |
Private channel count | Filter your tams based on the number of private channels they contain. |
Report storage location | Filter the location where the audit log data is stored. |
RSS feeds | Include or exclude results with RSS Feeds enabled/disabled. |
Share by email | Select whether to include sites where email sharing is enabled/disabled. |
Share by link | Select whether to include sites where sharing links are enabled/disabled. |
SharePoint designer access | Select whether to include sites where SharePoint designer access is enabled/disabled. |
Site address | Filter a specific site address (URL). |
Site collection features | Allows you to select features and filter them by state (ShareGate Migrate will access the feature list for you based on your target site collection). |
Site columns | Allows you to set a site column-specific sub-filter. |
Site content types | Allows you to set a site content type-specific sub-filter. |
Site depth | How far your site collection goes (if it is 0, there are no subsites) |
Site features | Allows you to select features and filter them by state (ShareGate Migrate will access the feature list for you based on your target site). |
Site level | The level you are at from the central admin (i.e. a site collection made from the farm level would be level 2). |
Site owners | Include or exclude users or groups who are Site Owners. |
Site template | Filter a specific Site Template. |
Size | Select the size of the Site Collection (K, KB, MB, GB). |
Standard channel count | Filter your teams based on the number of standard channels they contain. |
Title | Filter a specific title. |
Trim audit log | Select whether to include enabled/disabled Audit Logs. |
Total tasks count | Filter your Planner plans based on the number of total tasks they contain. |
Users | Allows you to set a user-specific sub-filter. |
Version number | Filter documents by version number. |