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Source analysis details
Source analysis details
Updated over 2 months ago

View the details of your Source analysis results to better identify, analyze, and solve potential issues before you run your migration.

To run a source analysis, select the article that coincides with your scenario in the Plan section.



After your Source analysis is complete, click View details on the Summary screen.


  1. Click Filter.

  2. Select the items you want to filter for.

  3. Click Apply filter.

Tip: Depending on the size of your source, the option to filter your Source analysis details may not be available. See Export Source analysis details below for details on how you can export the details and use your preferred spreadsheet software to view and filter the data.


The columns in the Source analysis details provide information on your source.

File Share

Path: The path of the item on the disk. Click on the path to link to the item.

Title: File or folder name without an extension.

Errors & Warnings: Notifies you of specific errors and warnings. Errors appear red. Warnings appear yellow. Click on the error or warning for more information about how to resolve it.

Tip: When you click on the error or warning, click Learn more to access an article with information and possible solutions for that specific error or warning.

Size: A file's size, or the size of everything under a folder including the content of subfolders. An error indicates the file's size is too large to be migrated to the target SharePoint environment.

File Extension: The extension of the file. An error indicates the extension is, by default, blocked from the target SharePoint environment and steps need to be taken in order to migrate the file successfully.

Path Length: The length of the path at the destination. If you start the Source analysis on anything other than a drive, the number won't correspond to the length of the path shown in the Path column. An error indicates the path is too long for any SharePoint list or library, while a warning indicates that the path is approaching the limit and may overflow if the list or library has a long name or is in a subsite. For more information on 'Path too long' errors and warnings please visit the error page.

# of items: The number of items directly under a given folder, without counting items in its subfolders. A warning indicates the number of items is higher than the target SharePoint environment's list view threshold and may cause issues once migrated.

SharePoint and Microsoft 365

Title: The title of your site object.

Site name: The name of the site that contains your site object.

URL: The address of your site object.

Errors & Warnings: Notifies you of specific errors and warnings. Errors appear red. Warnings appear yellow. Click on the error or warning for more information about how to resolve it.

Size: The size of the item.

Note: The size of a site or site collection, includes the size of the subsites.

Last modified date: The date your site object was modified the last time.

Type: The type of site object.

Export Source analysis details

Click Export to export all data as an Excel file or CSV.

From this file, you can see all items at once, filter them, and use Excel or custom tools to analyze the data.

Note: The export will include the data as shown on your screen. If you have filters applied the exported file will only contain that data.

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