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Walkthrough - File Share Source analysis
Walkthrough - File Share Source analysis
Updated over 2 months ago

Source analysis gives you an overview of the items, files, and folders in your source so you can estimate the effort would take to migrate them to SharePoint or Microsoft 365 and take action on any potential issues.



  • Your file share drives are mapped on your system.

  • You have the Permissions Read and Read permissions on your file share. Read so ShareGate Migrate can read your items and Read permissions so the app can read the permissions of your items.


  1. Select Plan from sidebar.

  2. Click Get started in the Source analysis box.

  3. Select File Share as your analysis type.

  4. Select our intended destination

  5. Click Select source.

  6. Select your file source.

  7. Click Run analysis.

  8. Your results will now load.

Note: If you specify your selection using checkboxes, the highlighted element will only be included if it is also checked. Selecting a drive or folder always includes its child elements, so removing the checkmark on a child element will also remove the check from the parent drives or folders.

Summary screen

The Summary screen provides the results of the Source analysis you just ran. This is a quick way to see the count and the total size of the files and folders that are ready to migrate.

Potential migration limitations show issues that might arise during your migration.

If your analysis results in Warnings or Errors, you can click View details to see why the warning or error would occur, access an article (when applicable) that will explain the issue in greater detail, and learn how to correct it.

It's best practice to correct both Warnings and Errors before running your migration by following the steps outlined in the articles.

For more information on how to read the details of your Source analysis, check out Source analysis details.

Relationship to your migration

When you run a Source analysis, ShareGate analyzes your potential migration but does not migrate or copy your information. This lets you see any possible problems (i.e. warnings and errors) that can arise during your actual migration.

Since your information is not copied, the results in the Source analysis details can differ from the results of your actual migration. New warnings or errors may appear on the Migration report as ShareGate works to match the source at the destination.

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