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Updated over 2 months ago

Set up everything you need to get the most out of ShareGate Migrate for your migration.

Install ShareGate Migrate

ShareGate Migrate is a client-side tool you can install on any Windows machine.

If you are migrating to or from an on-premises version of SharePoint, Install ShareGate Migrate on a machine with access to your network.

Though it will work with a VPN in most environments, we do not recommend migrating through one. Alternatively, setting a virtual machine on your network to run the application from a distance is more efficient.

For more installation information and recommended hardware specifications, see Installation - ShareGate Migrate.

Should you install the app on an Azure VM (virtual machine)?

If you are migrating from an on-premises source or another provider like Google or Box, using an Azure VM for your migration will be the same as using a workstation with similar specifications.

The only possible benefit of using an Azure VM in the above scenarios is that it can help you bypass local network restrictions, such as a proxy that blocks third-party applications.

An Azure VM can improve the performance of a Microsoft 365 to Microsoft 365 migration because it keeps your migration in Microsoft's environment.

In this scenario, ShareGate Migrate will still run client-side between your source and destination, so this does not change how the app migrates your content.

Install the Server Extension

The Server Extension helps lift some migration limitations, allows you to use Insane mode when installed on a destination on-premises server, and can help improve performance when migrating to Microsoft 365.

We highly recommend installing the extension if you work with an on-premises SharePoint server, source, or destination. It's a small, secure package that installs essential services without requiring a server reset.

The Server Extension can only be installed on your on-premises SharePoint servers, from SharePoint version 2007 and up. For more information, see Server Extension checklist.

Insane mode

Insane mode increases performance, reduces limitations, and reduces throttling in a Microsoft 365 destination.

For more information on Insane mode for your destination Microsoft 365 environment, see Insane mode for Microsoft 365.

For more information on Insane mode for your destination on-premises environment, see Insane mode on-premises.

Get the required permissions

You will need site collection administrator permissions to migrate SharePoint structure and content. Higher admin permissions are beneficial when handling a large and complex migration.

SharePoint administrator, farm administrator, or global administrator permissions will allow you to list and migrate multiple site collections and copy Microsoft 365 Groups, Teams, and more.

Global admin permissions are required to use Copy mailboxes.

These requirements apply to the source and destination in SharePoint and Microsoft 365.

For more information about Microsoft permissions, see Microsoft administrative permissions.

To learn about the required permissions for other import sources like file shares and Google Drive, see Permissions reference tables - Migrations.

Consent the Azure ShareGate migration app in Microsoft 365

The Azure ShareGate migration app helps reduce throttling in Microsoft 365 and improves how ShareGate Migrate interacts with Microsoft 365.

The Azure ShareGate migration app is required to migrate and manage Microsoft 365 groups and teams in ShareGate Migrate.

ShareGate installs the Azure ShareGate migration tool app automatically once you consent access to Microsoft 365 resources in the ShareGate Migrate settings. It installs a version that includes consent to additional application permissions required to use Copy mailboxes the first time you use that feature.

For more information on the Azure app, see What is the Azure ShareGate migration app?

For more information, see Microsoft 365 throttling.

Set your destination

ShareGate Migrate does not migrate a complete farm or tenant. Before starting your migration, you must deploy your destination environment.

Active Directory

ShareGate Migrate does not migrate users and security groups to your Active Directory. Sync your Active Directory at the destination so your users and groups are available during the migration.

For more information on user and group associations, see Users and groups association (automatic mapping).

Web applications

If you are migrating to an on-premises version of SharePoint, you must create new web apps in your destination before migrating your sites.

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