Version: ShareGate Desktop 10.1.4
Release Date: 1 May 2019
What's fixed
Site navigation links would be duplicated when running an on-premise Copy Structure because of a timeout issue in the migration destination.
Item versions would sometimes be duplicated at the destination of on-premises migrations using Insane Mode.
You wouldn't get a clear warning if ShareGate Desktop was unable to activate custom scripts in a OneDrive for Business or a site using the Point Publishing Hub template.
Migrating Nintex Workflows could give you an error when copying a list that contained multiple workflows using Copy Structure.
Running a pre-check when migrating a subsite to a new site collection in Microsoft 365 would give you a null reference error.
The comment section in your modern pages would be enabled at the destination after a migration even when the option was disabled.
You could not run a custom report if you already had one named New report in My custom reports.